Embedding Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) reports in SharePoint


If you’re on-premises and looking to embed a Power BI Report Server report in SharePoint, you’ll find it’s not as easy as O365 embeds. But it’s certainly possible; here’s how:

  1. Create a full-screen URL for the report you wish to embed
  2. On a web part or wiki page, add a Page Viewer web part where you’re placing the report (Edit Page –> Add a WebPart –> Media and Content –> Page Viewer –> Add)5.png
  3. Click “open the tool pane”6.png
  4. Paste the URL from step one and click “Apply” (Don’t save the page yet)7.png
  5. Right-click on white space in the newly embedded report
    1. Internet Explorer
      1. Click Properties
      2. Double-click and copy (Ctrl+C) the Address (URL) value08-IE.png
    2. Google Chrome
      1. View frame source8-CHROME
      2. Copy everything in the URL after view-source:9.png
  6. Replace the URL in your new Page Viewer web part with the URL you’ve just copied in step 5. Expand the “Appearance” section beneath the URL field and enter as follows for a generally appropriate size (assumes your report is 16:9 scale). Adjust to fit your needs.
    1. Height: Fixed, 655 pixels
    2. Width: Fixed, 1090 pixels
    3. Chrome: None0111
  7. Click Apply and save the page!01.png

Your report should now be embedded and ready for viewing!



  • If you get an error after clicking “Apply” the first time after entering the URL, make sure you followed the steps to make a full screen URL correctly. RS reports can’t load in the Page Viewer web part inside their RS frames. The URL modification makes it Page Viewer friendly
  • If “Loading…” and the rotating dots graphic doesn’t go away when your report renders
    • Verify the data sources referenced in your report, if by address such as SharePoint, begin in the same way as your report server. If your RS starts with https:// (not http://), your data sources referenced by addresses may need to as well
    • Double-check the credentials saved for your data sources in Power BI Report Server.
    • See if the issue happens in multiple browsers (i.e. if using Internet Explorer, try Chrome)
  • For other issues
    • If you use a vanity URL for your Report Server address, try using the actual server address instead or vice verse. Make sure your data sources use the same vanity or server address for consistency
    • You can embed RS reports either in O365 or on-premises environments, but access will only be available when on-premises. The web part will show a “page not found” error if you’re off-campus and not using a VPN or VM.

10 Replies to “Embedding Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) reports in SharePoint”

  1. Hi, I am trying to use this solution, however after pasting the link in step 4, step 7 gives me the following: Address (URL) : Not Available.
    If I click on Test Link, the link to the report does work. Any thoughts on what might be the problem?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. i am facing the same issue as Marten, the issue is because of authentication.
      But don’t know how to fix this.

  2. Nate,
    I realize this is an older article, but this worked great! I’ve been looking for a solution like this for months and must have missed this post somehow. Thanks so much.

    I am having one issue - this solution works great in Microsoft explorer but isn't working in Microsoft Edge. I can open the same SharePoint side by side with each browser and Edge gives me "Hmmm...can’t reach this page".. How can this be possible? Any ideas would be appreciated...

    Thanks Again!

  3. Hello,

    This really helps, Is there any security issue by doing this? what if ,we make changes in the power BI report?

  4. Hi Nate,
    I cannot thank you enough for this post. I have been struggling hard trying to get rid of the annoying “Loading…” rotating dots graphic when embedding on-premise Power BI reports in our SharePoint 2013 intranet site with no success. But after following your steps it works beautifully! I hope my donation will help you continue your great web site.

  5. Hi,
    I used a similar steps as yours, besides I’m not using PBI Report Server.
    The reports are displayed well in Sharepoint on premise. However, there’s no function for exporting the data for each visualization, as if we can export from Power BI. Any advise how we can have this function shown for each visual?
    Thanks in advance.

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